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Anti-Deep Freeze Latest Version Released on March 29th 2015 with Latest Information Total Downloads Updated March 5th 2015 with Intel CPU Support for Windows 8 Compatible Processors The Antimalware Engine now fully supports the latest Intel CPUs for use in Windows 8 products including Windows RT, Pro, Enterprise and Education editions. This platform requirement change will allow Anti-Deep Freeze to install successfully on any one of these platforms without requiring specific compatibility issues to be resolved prior to installation; this change also ensures that Anti-Deep Freeze continues to provide robust protection against malware attacks and other security threats that primarily target Windows 8 platforms. Freezing of Malicious Processes Anti-Deep Freeze introduces support for Deep Freeze Enterprise functionality that can be configured to protect Windows 8 processes from malicious attacks including the ability to prevent the execution of Windows 8 processes that are running outside of their User Account Control security boundaries or that are otherwise considered to be malicious by the administrator. Anti-Deep Freeze also includes support for running Deep Freeze Enterprise within a Virtual Machine environment including support for the creation of VHD files from within the Anti-Deep Freeze graphical user interface and conversion of existing Deep Freeze installation packages into VHD files without requiring the use of a scripting solution. This release does not include any new features or changes to existing features; this release is strictly an update to ensure that Anti-Deep Freeze continues to work effectively while running on Windows 8 platforms while maintaining full backwards compatibility with previous versions of Windows 7, Vista, XP and 2000. Download Anti-Deep freeze 7.30.020. 3852 2009- 2009-Anti-deep freeze 2009 download Anti Deep Freeze Update - Freezing of Malicious Processes - Freezing of malicious processes (AVG) Freezing of Malicious Processes (AVG) Freezing of Malicious Processes (AVG): The AVG engine now supports the ability to freeze malicious processes which includes the ability to prevent or block the execution of any process that is not considered legitimate by the administrator. There are two tools within Anti-Deep Freeze that can be used with AVG; "Deep Freeze Manager" and "Deep Freeze Virtual Machine". Both tools are activated using configuration settings but existing Anti-Deep Freeze 7.30. 020.3852 or newer installations are required to use the "Deep Freeze Virtual Machine" tool. Anti-Deep Freeze requires Deep Freeze Enterprise Edition 7.00 Build 3856 or newer for full compatibility with the AVG feature set including the freezing of malicious attacks, creation of portable virtual machines, and support for Windows 8 based products. User Account Control Support Anti-Deep Freeze 7.30.020. cfa1e77820